How to Prevent Heart Disease Through Your Diet

In nutrition, the diet is the balance of food ingested by an organism or individual. It refers to the set of rules about how and when to eat, which usually changes from one culture to another. Basically, in our daily life, we come across a variety of kinds of diets that most of us have adapted. Some of the more popular kinds of diets are: The Mediterranean diet, The South Beach diet, The diabetic diet and The vegetarian diet. Though there are other, lesser-known diets that people often adopt. These diets include: Traditional Chinese diet, Japanese diet, Thai diet, Brazilian diet and the Lifestyle diet.


Though dieting works well to control weight gain, it has been noted that some people tend to adapt it in a way that leads to unhealthy practices. For instance, some people who have followed a low calorie diet have been observed to crave for high calorie foods once in a while. This then turns into a vicious cycle – once they begin indulging for high calorie food, they then begin to eat less than before and so on. This then causes them to gain weight and become obese.

Diets differ in terms of caloric intake and macronutrient distribution. The amount of calories consumed to maintain a particular weight varies from person to person. Generally, experts recommend that the majority of the daily calorie intake should come from carbs like pasta and bread and fats from animal sources like butter and mayonnaise. Protein from plant sources like beans and nuts is also recommended. Essential fatty acids are also recommended.

Diets that focus on eating small quantities of food rather than calories are known as Fractional-nutrition. The main reason behind this is that such a regimen helps you burn most of the stored calories in your body and consequently you feel fuller quicker. Some people use a diet as a medium or long-term regimen. On the other hand, some use diets for quick results and get rid of unwanted fat much more quickly. The only difference between the two is in the frequency with which you need to eat.

Many experts advise against a life-long diet which is neither healthy nor practical since the body needs some nutrients even while on it. The best way to go about it is to choose a healthy diet plan that you can stick to throughout your life. It should be balanced in terms of choosing what are the right types of foods to eat. Remember, eating too many carbs will lead to obesity, even if you have been advised to eat healthy. Similarly, eating too many calories will lead to heart disease and other related disorders.

So, if you want to keep yourself away from all such problems, it is good if you chose to adopt a healthy diet program, which will help you curb your appetite and curb your snacking habits. There are various medications available in the market to deal with the problem of obesity. Also, the best way to curb overeating is to go on a regular exercise routine. You can either join a gymnasium or opt for jogging or walking instead. The most important thing here is that you have to lead a healthy lifestyle for both your body and your mind, so that you remain fit and healthy for life.