Choosing Your Weight-Loss Diet

In nutrition, diet refers to the quantity and type of food ingested by an organism or individual. It also involves the identification and assessment of nutrients and calories of foods. The goal of the diet is to promote health, reduce risks of diet-related diseases, and maintain or improve nutritional needs. A dietitian is a professional who provide nutrition advice, helps families in developing and following dietary programs, provides counseling on healthy eating and develops meal plans.

Diets are structured so that people obtain the recommended daily values (RDA) of nutrients for their desired weight loss. Weight loss is achieved by reducing calories intake and increasing physical activity. Common foods on a diet include carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fruit, vegetables, dairy products, and breads. A typical American diet contains about 22 percent carbohydrates, including most fruits; about half of the carbohydrates are obtained from the refined grains, potatoes, and processed meats. Some people have difficulty losing weight because they have high blood sugar levels or because they choose to eat too much food. They then resort to diet pills or laxatives to relieve hunger and return their blood sugar levels to normal.

Low-fat diets are sometimes recommended by doctors as a way of dieting. In these cases, the recommended percentage of carbohydrate is below 20 percent. Foods that are low in fat are considered to be fat-free. Examples of fat-free foods are low-fat cheese, low-fat ice cream, and low-fat chicken.

To attain a healthy weight, it is important to include a variety of foods in your diet. However, if you are a beginner in dieting, your dietitian can provide you with personalized guidance to help you meet your dietary goals. One of the keys to successful dieting is to balance the amount of calories you ingest with the number of physical activities you participate in on a regular basis.

A healthy diet should contain a wide variety of carbohydrates, protein, fiber, fat, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids. It is also recommended that you drink at least six to eight glasses of water per day. Be sure to keep track of your carbohydrate intake. This information will help your doctor find out the appropriate dietary guidelines for you and your lifestyle. To maintain a healthy weight, your doctor may suggest keeping a food journal where you list the foods you ate and the calories you burned during each meal. You should also keep track of your activity level, such as how many stairs you climbed, how many miles you covered, how many sit-ups and push-ups you performed, and how many calories you burned with each activity.

People come in all shapes and sizes, so it is not necessary to think that one diet is better than another. A dietitian can help you find the right diet for your unique lifestyle. Your doctor will likely offer a personalized plan to get you started on the road to a healthier you. Talk to your doctor about any other health issues you may be concerned with. By combining exercise, a balanced diet, and proper nutrition, you can reach your weight-loss goals.