Health and Wellness: An International Perspective

Health is an elusive state of mind wherein illness and infirmity aren’t completely absent. Contrary to popular belief, our health does not reside in a body with a beating heart and a whole immune system. It resides inside our body, where the brain stores our long-term health and the cells dictate our short-term health. The mind alone is the only one that can enable us to maintain or attain the best of our health. If we are fortunate enough to have an abundant mind, we will be able to live well over the course of a lifetime, as opposed to one who is less fortunate.

With regards to health, both the mentally and physically ill fare worse than the average citizen. The difference between healthy and unhealthy is often attributable to a person’s behavior and general outlook on life. For instance, those who are generally happy and positive about life usually live longer than the average individual. However, the difference between the ill is not necessarily due to any psychological factor, but rather their susceptibility to certain illnesses.

One example of these social determinants is drug use. While most people who abuse drugs do so under the influence of alcohol or another drug, they are still subject to social influences. A heavy user of cocaine, for instance, may have been high as a child, but may have become addicted when given the chance. Social factors are thus very important when it comes to diagnosing and treating heart disease and other physical illness, especially as the heart disease patient and the drug user are very different from one another.

One of the most common causes of sickness and disease in the United States is poor lifestyle choices. Poor choices include lack of exercise, obesity, smoking, lack of nutritious foods and regular consumption of alcohol. To avoid these kinds of health problems, it is important for individuals to make the right choices in terms of their diet and lifestyle choices. This is the reason why exercise is considered to be a very important lifestyle choice.

A healthy diet, which includes plenty of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and low in saturated fats can help to reduce the risk of developing many types of diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other physical illnesses. A healthy diet can also play an important role in helping to prevent the development of communicable diseases, such as HIV/AIDS and genital herpes. In developing countries, where public health is not well-developed, a healthy diet can go a long way in promoting a healthy economy and mental health. Developing countries often suffer from malnutrition, diarrhea and other physical illnesses that are associated with poor nutrition.

Mental health, on the other hand, is often overlooked in the treatment of patients with physical illness. However, it can be just as important as physical health in ensuring that patients are functional in their daily lives. Unstable mental health can cause a person to develop substance abuse and other forms of addiction. A depressed patient may have difficulty getting up in the morning, maintain focused studies or even hold down a job. A mentally ill patient can develop symptoms similar to those of bipolar disorder and also experience panic attacks.