Your Guide To Self Examination

Health is a condition of physical, mental and emotional well being in which infirmity and illness are absent. The word “health” literally means “life” and it implies that this state is desirable to the individual. A person who considers his or her health as being poor is said to be suffering from “life-sickness”. It is the desire of a human being to continue to remain healthy, at any cost.

Mental health refers to the ability to enjoy one’s life well-being; i.e., the ability to work productively, efficiently and productively at any given field and to remain mentally fresh, alert and receptive. Mental well-being then, is the sum total of all the physical, mental and emotional well-being. Mental health and physical health can be understood on the basis of the three interrelated factors:

Health may be understood on the basis of the three factors: a positive concept stressing social interaction and interpersonal contact, a balanced and healthy lifestyle and appropriate and effective stress management. Positive concept, i.e., the ability to maintain a happy and positive attitude and congruence in thinking, emotions and behavior in the course of daily life; healthy lifestyle, comprising appropriate physical activity, adequate food and nutrition, regular sleep and enough relaxation time; and appropriate and effective stress management, i.e., discipline in regard to use of powerful techniques that can relieve stress and prevent the occurrence of health problems. Health conditions related to these three factors need immediate attention and treatment. The most common health problems associated with these three factors are obesity, poor health and sedentary lifestyle.

Health conditions of people living in industrialized societies are getting worse day by day. It is important to address these health conditions through effective personal health planning, i.e., through a change in lifestyle, diet and exercise. This article discusses four primary health conditions commonly associated with industrialized societies: depression, anxiety, osteoporosis, cancer and chronic fatigue.

Depression refers to the state of moods (depression), anxiety, irritability and somatic complaints (anxiety and nervousness). Anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. Osteoporosis is characterized by decreased bone density and is commonly associated with high levels of stress and low self-esteem. Cancer includes different types of cancers of the breast, gastrointestinal, renal and reproductive systems. Chronic fatigue is a disabling condition that results from excessive or prolonged bodily stress and is frequently associated with underlying diseases such as diabetes, HIV/AIDS, kidney and heart diseases, as well as gastrointestinal, pulmonary, circulatory and nutritional disorders.

To keep a good health status, you must become aware of your physical health as well as your mental health condition. Your physical health depends upon the quality of your eating habits and exercise regime. Your mental health depends upon the quality of your relationship with others, concentration, memory, thinking ability, problem solving capability, resilience, happiness and motivation. You should take your health into your own hands and ensure that you are taking good care of yourself by keeping a regular check up at your health clinics, identifying the various types of ailments, taking your medication on time and not neglecting any treatment. If you feel any unusual changes in your body, it is recommended that you consult your family doctor.