An Overview of Air Traffic Controllers and Pilots

An airline pilot is someone who controls the flight of a plane by operating its main flight controls, typically the yoke and stick. Other crew members, including flight engineers or navigators, are usually considered pilots, since they are responsible for operating the plane’s engines and navigation systems. Pilots usually have at least a degree in flying. The type of pilot training that most airlines require of their pilots includes flight instructor training, which lasts from a few months to a few years. There are many routes to becoming a pilot.


A pilot must be physically fit, which means he or she should be in good health. Pilots also have to be alert and have the mental capacity to cope with the stressful situations that they will face while flying. A pilot must also be able to make the right decision under emergency situations, and he or she must be able to fly the plane using the appropriate procedures and equipment.

Many aspiring pilots have the desire to become a commercial airline pilot and fly airplanes on commercial lines. Commercial airline flights can carry up to 125 passengers, including crew. To become a commercial airline pilot, the aspiring pilot needs to pass the required Commercial Air Pilot License exam. Different schools and colleges offer different courses in preparing students for this exam. The student needs to decide which school and college offer the best training course to prepare him or her for this challenging exam.

If you want to be a pilot, the first thing that you need to do is acquire the knowledge and skills to fly airplanes and perform various emergency operations in the aviation field. You can start by taking short flight lessons that will help you develop your skills and knowledge about flying. These short flight lessons are usually held by aviation schools or colleges.

After you have received your “pilot” license, you can then move forward and work towards becoming a commercial airline pilot. Commercial pilots need to be licensed by the FAA before they can operate commercial aircrafts. There are many jobs available for these pilots. You can apply for jobs in any company that needs pilots or fly cargo for another company.

If you are considering a career as an airline pilot, you may also want to consider becoming an air traffic controller. Air traffic controllers are responsible for directing flights in controlled situations such as airports, and highways. A successful applicant must be able to keep control of flights in order to keep the flow of traffic going smoothly. Many aspiring pilots may choose to apply for a job as an air traffic controller instead of going straight to an airline carrier job.